Source: ScrollMagic/Scene/getters-setters.js

var _validate = _util.extend(SCENE_OPTIONS.validate, {
	// validation for duration handled internally for reference to private var _durationMethod
	duration : function (val) {
		if (_util.type.String(val) && val.match(/^(\.|\d)*\d+%$/)) {
			// percentage value
			var perc = parseFloat(val) / 100;
			val = function () {
				return _controller ?"size") * perc : 0;
		if (_util.type.Function(val)) {
			// function
			_durationUpdateMethod = val;
			try {
				val = parseFloat(_durationUpdateMethod());
			} catch (e) {
				val = -1; // will cause error below
		// val has to be float
		val = parseFloat(val);
		if (!_util.type.Number(val) || val < 0) {
			if (_durationUpdateMethod) {
				_durationUpdateMethod = undefined;
				throw ["Invalid return value of supplied function for option \"duration\":", val];
			} else {
				throw ["Invalid value for option \"duration\":", val];
		return val;

 * Checks the validity of a specific or all options and reset to default if neccessary.
 * @private
var validateOption = function (check) {
	check = arguments.length ? [check] : Object.keys(_validate);
	check.forEach(function (optionName, key) {
		var value;
		if (_validate[optionName]) { // there is a validation method for this option
			try { // validate value
				value = _validate[optionName](_options[optionName]);
			} catch (e) { // validation failed -> reset to default
				value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS[optionName];
				var logMSG = _util.type.String(e) ? [e] : e;
				if (_util.type.Array(logMSG)) {
					logMSG[0] = "ERROR: " + logMSG[0];
					logMSG.unshift(1); // loglevel 1 for error msg
					log.apply(this, logMSG);
				} else {
					log(1, "ERROR: Problem executing validation callback for option '" + optionName + "':", e.message);
			} finally {
				_options[optionName] = value;

 * Helper used by the setter/getters for scene options
 * @private
var changeOption = function(varname, newval) {
		changed = false,
		oldval = _options[varname];
	if (_options[varname] != newval) {
		_options[varname] = newval;
		validateOption(varname); // resets to default if necessary
		changed = oldval != _options[varname];
	return changed;

// generate getters/setters for all options
var addSceneOption = function (optionName) {
	if (!Scene[optionName]) {
		Scene[optionName] = function (newVal) {
			if (!arguments.length) { // get
				return _options[optionName];
			} else {
				if (optionName === "duration") { // new duration is set, so any previously set function must be unset
					_durationUpdateMethod = undefined;
				if (changeOption(optionName, newVal)) { // set
					Scene.trigger("change", {what: optionName, newval: _options[optionName]});
					if (SCENE_OPTIONS.shifts.indexOf(optionName) > -1) {
						Scene.trigger("shift", {reason: optionName});
			return Scene;

 * **Get** or **Set** the duration option value.
 * As a setter it also accepts a function returning a numeric value.  
 * This is particularly useful for responsive setups.
 * The duration is updated using the supplied function every time `Scene.refresh()` is called, which happens periodically from the controller (see ScrollMagic.Controller option `refreshInterval`).  
 * _**NOTE:** Be aware that it's an easy way to kill performance, if you supply a function that has high CPU demand.  
 * Even for size and position calculations it is recommended to use a variable to cache the value. (see example)  
 * This counts double if you use the same function for multiple scenes._
 * @method ScrollMagic.Scene#duration
 * @example
 * // get the current duration value
 * var duration = scene.duration();
	 * // set a new duration
 * scene.duration(300);
 * // use a function to automatically adjust the duration to the window height.
 * var durationValueCache;
 * function getDuration () {
 *   return durationValueCache;
 * }
 * function updateDuration (e) {
 *   durationValueCache = window.innerHeight;
 * }
 * $(window).on("resize", updateDuration); // update the duration when the window size changes
 * $(window).triggerHandler("resize"); // set to initial value
 * scene.duration(getDuration); // supply duration method
 * @fires {@link Scene.change}, when used as setter
 * @fires {@link Scene.shift}, when used as setter
 * @param {(number|function)} [newDuration] - The new duration of the scene.
 * @returns {number} `get` -  Current scene duration.
 * @returns {Scene} `set` -  Parent object for chaining.

 * **Get** or **Set** the offset option value.
 * @method ScrollMagic.Scene#offset
 * @example
 * // get the current offset
 * var offset = scene.offset();
	 * // set a new offset
 * scene.offset(100);
 * @fires {@link Scene.change}, when used as setter
 * @fires {@link Scene.shift}, when used as setter
 * @param {number} [newOffset] - The new offset of the scene.
 * @returns {number} `get` -  Current scene offset.
 * @returns {Scene} `set` -  Parent object for chaining.

 * **Get** or **Set** the triggerElement option value.
 * Does **not** fire `Scene.shift`, because changing the trigger Element doesn't necessarily mean the start position changes. This will be determined in `Scene.refresh()`, which is automatically triggered.
 * @method ScrollMagic.Scene#triggerElement
 * @example
 * // get the current triggerElement
 * var triggerElement = scene.triggerElement();
	 * // set a new triggerElement using a selector
 * scene.triggerElement("#trigger");
	 * // set a new triggerElement using a DOM object
 * scene.triggerElement(document.getElementById("trigger"));
 * @fires {@link Scene.change}, when used as setter
 * @param {(string|object)} [newTriggerElement] - The new trigger element for the scene.
 * @returns {(string|object)} `get` -  Current triggerElement.
 * @returns {Scene} `set` -  Parent object for chaining.

 * **Get** or **Set** the triggerHook option value.
 * @method ScrollMagic.Scene#triggerHook
 * @example
 * // get the current triggerHook value
 * var triggerHook = scene.triggerHook();
	 * // set a new triggerHook using a string
 * scene.triggerHook("onLeave");
	 * // set a new triggerHook using a number
 * scene.triggerHook(0.7);
 * @fires {@link Scene.change}, when used as setter
 * @fires {@link Scene.shift}, when used as setter
 * @param {(number|string)} [newTriggerHook] - The new triggerHook of the scene. See {@link Scene} parameter description for value options.
 * @returns {number} `get` -  Current triggerHook (ALWAYS numerical).
 * @returns {Scene} `set` -  Parent object for chaining.

 * **Get** or **Set** the reverse option value.
 * @method ScrollMagic.Scene#reverse
 * @example
 * // get the current reverse option
 * var reverse = scene.reverse();
	 * // set new reverse option
 * scene.reverse(false);
 * @fires {@link Scene.change}, when used as setter
 * @param {boolean} [newReverse] - The new reverse setting of the scene.
 * @returns {boolean} `get` -  Current reverse option value.
 * @returns {Scene} `set` -  Parent object for chaining.

 * **Get** or **Set** the loglevel option value.
 * @method ScrollMagic.Scene#loglevel
 * @example
 * // get the current loglevel
 * var loglevel = scene.loglevel();
	 * // set new loglevel
 * scene.loglevel(3);
 * @fires {@link Scene.change}, when used as setter
 * @param {number} [newLoglevel] - The new loglevel setting of the scene. `[0-3]`
 * @returns {number} `get` -  Current loglevel.
 * @returns {Scene} `set` -  Parent object for chaining.

 * **Get** the associated controller.
 * @method ScrollMagic.Scene#controller
 * @example
 * // get the controller of a scene
 * var controller = scene.controller();
 * @returns {ScrollMagic.Controller} Parent controller or `undefined`
this.controller = function () {
	return _controller;

 * **Get** the current state.
 * @method ScrollMagic.Scene#state
 * @example
 * // get the current state
 * var state = scene.state();
 * @returns {string} `"BEFORE"`, `"DURING"` or `"AFTER"`
this.state = function () {
	return _state;

 * **Get** the current scroll offset for the start of the scene.  
 * Mind, that the scrollOffset is related to the size of the container, if `triggerHook` is bigger than `0` (or `"onLeave"`).  
 * This means, that resizing the container or changing the `triggerHook` will influence the scene's start offset.
 * @method ScrollMagic.Scene#scrollOffset
 * @example
 * // get the current scroll offset for the start and end of the scene.
 * var start = scene.scrollOffset();
 * var end = scene.scrollOffset() + scene.duration();
 * console.log("the scene starts at", start, "and ends at", end);
 * @returns {number} The scroll offset (of the container) at which the scene will trigger. Y value for vertical and X value for horizontal scrolls.
this.scrollOffset = function () {
	return _scrollOffset.start;

 * **Get** the trigger position of the scene (including the value of the `offset` option).  
 * @method ScrollMagic.Scene#triggerPosition
 * @example
 * // get the scene's trigger position
 * var triggerPosition = scene.triggerPosition();
 * @returns {number} Start position of the scene. Top position value for vertical and left position value for horizontal scrolls.
this.triggerPosition = function () {
	var pos = _options.offset; // the offset is the basis
	if (_controller) {
		// get the trigger position
		if (_options.triggerElement) {
			// Element as trigger
			pos += _triggerPos;
		} else {
			// return the height of the triggerHook to start at the beginning
			pos +="size") * Scene.triggerHook();
	return pos;