/*! * @file ScrollMagic jQuery plugin. * * requires: jQuery ~1.11 or ~2.1 */ /** * This plugin is meant to be used in conjunction with jQuery. * It enables ScrollMagic to make use of jQuery's advanced selector engine (sizzle) for all elements supplied to ScrollMagic objects, like scroll containers or trigger elements. * ScrollMagic also accepts jQuery elements for all methods that expect references to DOM elements. Please note, that in most cases the first element of the matched set will be used. * * Additionally it provides the ScrollMagic object within the jQuery namespace, so it can be accessed using `$.ScrollMagic`. * * In contrast to most other plugins it does not offer new API additions for ScrollMagic. * * To have access to this extension, please include `plugins/jquery.ScrollMagic.js`. * @example * // create a new scene making use of jQuery's advanced selector engine * var scene = new $.ScrollMagic.Scene({ * triggerElement: "#parent div.trigger[attr='thisone']:not(.notthisone)" * }); * @requires {@link http://jquery.com/|jQuery ~1.11 or ~2.1} * @mixin framework.jQuery */ (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['ScrollMagic', 'jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // CommonJS factory(require('scrollmagic'), require('jquery')); } else { // Browser global factory(root.ScrollMagic, root.jQuery); } }(this, function (ScrollMagic, $) { "use strict"; var NAMESPACE = "jquery.ScrollMagic"; // (BUILD) - REMOVE IN MINIFY - START var err = Function.prototype.bind.call((console && (console.error || console.log)) || function() {}, console); if (!ScrollMagic) { err("(" + NAMESPACE + ") -> ERROR: The ScrollMagic main module could not be found. Please make sure it's loaded before this plugin or use an asynchronous loader like requirejs."); } if (!$) { err("(" + NAMESPACE + ") -> ERROR: jQuery could not be found. Please make sure it's loaded before ScrollMagic or use an asynchronous loader like requirejs."); } // (BUILD) - REMOVE IN MINIFY - END ScrollMagic._util.get.elements = function (selector) { return $(selector).toArray(); }; ScrollMagic._util.addClass = function (elem, classname) { $(elem).addClass(classname); }; ScrollMagic._util.removeClass = function (elem, classname) { $(elem).removeClass(classname); }; $.ScrollMagic = ScrollMagic; }));